Your Face Is Not a Sink!

The biggest mistake women today make in their beauty routine is over cleansing.
I have seen the well intentioned results in reddened, parched skin.
Gently ladies, gently! Your face is your message to the world, and you want to preserve it as long as you possibly can. Not only will your face thank you, but you'll save lots of time and precious dollars.

Let's start out with your morning cleansing. This is when your skin is at its oiliest.
Let's be rational here. Unless you've been digging ditches during your nocturnal hours,
Your face is not dirty. How would that be possible? All you've done all night is lay on that pillow. Unless you're not changing your pillow on a regular basis, you've simply accumulated a few oils.

The driest skin type can usually get away with a little warm water splash to remove the surface oils. I find with many of my clients, they are able to reactivate their night cream.

A model's trick (because most of them are teenagers, and teenagers break out) is to keep some powdered milk on the bathroom vanity. Pour a small amount in the palm of your hand and gently rub into the oiliest parts of the skin (nose, temple, etc.).
It should be in the consistency of a soft paste. Why dry milk? Because milk is lactic acid, and lactic acid is one of the most effective ways to exfoliate grime and debris. Most of the skin cleansers charge you a lot of money for a simple product that you can easily get in your local grocery store.

Look at the time you have saved by doing this two in one treatment! You will be amazed at your skin's softness and texture.

If you have the urge to scrub, then scrub away at that sink!